You will read much about PokerStars, after all it is the largest poker room in the world. Do not be put off by it’s size, sure there are professional players, but most of us will not come up against them at the stakes we play at. Liquidity is King here, liquidity means the number of players at any one time online in the oker room. PStars has an average of 14,000 plus players online at ony time, so there will always be games to join.
Whether you are new to poker or a seasoned player you will find a game for you. There are cash games from a few cents, freerolls (free tournamnets) and sattelites (low stake tournaments where you can qualify for higher buyin events). There are many, many Sit ‘N’ Go tournaments (single table tournaments at all levels of buyin. Everyday PStars have low to high buyin tournamnets in many poker varients and formats.
We cannot fault PokerStars for a beginner to get a feel of online poker, just remember to take it slow and enjoy the experience, there will be many opportunities for playing ‘nose-bleed’ stakes!